- Exfoliate
- Replace your shampoo and no 'poo
- Put out grease and electrical fires
- Sprinkle a bit into shoes and slippers to keep them fresh
- Make a foot or bath soak
- Pat on under arms and feet to keep dry
- Use instead of toothpaste
- Sprinkle on carpet before vacuuming
- Run your coffee pot with some and water to clean
- Mix with water in a bowl and cook in microwave to soften stuck on foods
- Put a small box or bowl in your fridge for freshness and to soak up moisture
- Make a paste to soothe cold sores, bug bites, sunburns, and rashes
- Use as an ant deterrent
- Sprinkle into cat litter to help control odor
- With water, use as mouth wash
- Clean your drains
- Polish silverware
- Use in ashtrays
- Add to your laundry for tough stains
- Clean your dishwasher by running it through a wash
- In fact, use baking soda to clean everywhere and everything like
- Pots and pans
- Bathrooms
- Kitchens
Please feel free to contribute your ideas!
I never knew that baking soda could put out grease and electrical fires. Great Post!