Saturday, April 4, 2009

21 Great Baking Soda Uses

Here are some great ideas on what to do with your baking soda!
  1. Exfoliate
  2. Replace your shampoo and no 'poo
  3. Put out grease and electrical fires
  4. Sprinkle a bit into shoes and slippers to keep them fresh
  5. Make a foot or bath soak
  6. Pat on under arms and feet to keep dry
  7. Use instead of toothpaste
  8. Sprinkle on carpet before vacuuming
  9. Run your coffee pot with some and water to clean
  10. Mix with water in a bowl and cook in microwave to soften stuck on foods
  11. Put a small box or bowl in your fridge for freshness and to soak up moisture
  12. Make a paste to soothe cold sores, bug bites, sunburns, and rashes
  13. Use as an ant deterrent
  14. Sprinkle into cat litter to help control odor
  15. With water, use as mouth wash
  16. Clean your drains
  17. Polish silverware
  18. Use in ashtrays
  19. Add to your laundry for tough stains
  20. Clean your dishwasher by running it through a wash
  21. In fact, use baking soda to clean everywhere and everything like
  • Pots and pans
  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens
Make sure to spot test when using on surfaces and fabrics. Always use food grade quality when using on your body or ingesting.
Please feel free to contribute your ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that baking soda could put out grease and electrical fires. Great Post!
